Cardboard Waste Recycling Southampton
Looking for a waste management company that recycles cardboard in Southampton? With our cardboard waste collection service, you will be offered exceptional customer service, free bins and bin delivery, as well as the ability to choose when your cardboard waste is collected. This company is one of the most renowned cardboard and commercial waste removal companies in Southampton.
Having over thirty years of experience in the waste management industry, the waste company is a leading player in the field. Over the years, we’ve developed unmatched waste management expertise, are knowledgeable about waste management ins and outs, and can assist you in staying up to date on regulations. Don’t hesitate to call us on 023 8181 9880.
What is Cardboard Waste?
In the case of how much waste your company produces, you may be striving to find ways to reduce it or better manage it. The first step should be to see how much cardboard recycling is produced each day and to identify any patterns. The recyclable material cardboard, commonly known as old corrugated cardboard (OCC), has an established manufacturing and processing market. You need to make sure the cardboard you collect in your facility remains clean and dry. You should always flatten cardboard boxes before putting them in recycling bins. Compactors are also really good for storing cardboard waste and saving you space and frequent cardboard waste collection.
We will provide you with a free baler to store your cardboard waste so you don’t have to use empty bin spaces. Contact us right now for a quick and pleasant response or to ask any questions you may have about cardboard. It is easy to manufacture and made from renewable and recyclable materials. We will help you come up with the right plan for your daily waste output after learning about it during your meeting. You can be sure we will make every effort to meet your needs if you specify them in your order.
How is Cardboard Waste Recycled?
Prior to recycling, the material must be prepared. To begin with, the various boards are separated into boxboards (single-layer, like a cereal box) and corrugated (multi-layer, like a shipping container). This is the sorting process. Due to the fact that not all types of cardboard are equal, sorting is necessary. Materials and techniques used to produce different varieties of cardboard vary, and only a small number of them can be recycled into new products. Following sorting, the cardboard can be shredded into smaller chunks that will further enhance the recycling process. Once the sifting is done, water and chemicals will be added to make a slurry. In this case, the process is called pulping.
Paper slurry is made from wet recycled paper and is used to manufacture new cardboard and paper. To further purify the slurry, de-inking is performed to remove the cardboard ink. The removal of foreign materials from cardboard includes removing plastic, staples, and other materials found there. By using a centrifuge, the mixture is spun until foreign material bubbles to the top or sinks to the bottom, separating it from the pulp. After the inks have been removed, pure paper fibre is left behind in the pulp.
This is the final step of the process, in which the paper and cardboard are blended, dried, reloaded onto a conveyor belt, and sent to the production and manufacturing facilities to be made into new papers.
Our environment is protected from pollution when we recycle, as well as resources and jobs are preserved by it. To keep our environment beautiful and healthy, we must recycle cardboard.